Download free minecraft skins
Download free minecraft skins

passdisabled -> bypass the disabledskins list passcooldown -> bypasses skinscooldown config sr props - Returns properties of a player. sr createcustom - Define a usable custom skin. sr drop - Removes skins data from database. skin update - Updates your current skin. only works with "NewPermissions: true" (if false see old perms!) Note: If you use the plugin with bungeecord you will need to set the permission on the bungeecord side (e.g. Here's a list with commands and permissions to use them Optional Edit the config inside velocity/plugins/skinsrestorer/ folder.Restart (/restart or /stop) all servers.Check & set on every Paper server paper.yml -> velocity-support: enabled: true.Place the SkinsRestorer.jar in /plugins/ folder of every Velocity server.Place the SkinsRestorer.jar in /plugins/ folders of every Paper server.Optional Edit the config inside bungee/plugins/SkinsRestorer/ folder.Give permissions inside the bungeeserver.Check & set on every Spigot server spigot.yml -> bungeecord: true.Place the plugin in /plugins/ folder of every BungeeCord server.Place the plugin in /plugins/ folders of every Spigotserver.Note: Make sure to review BungeeCord installation steps if you're using a proxy! Currently, you can use SkinsRestorer on these platforms:įollow this little guide, so you don't go wrong

Download free minecraft skins